About Us

History and Foundation
Vineyards in Braided Cord, unique in the world, make up the landscape of this region in the north of Tenerife.
The “Valle de La Orotava” Designation of Origin and its Regulatory Council were established by the ORDER of 15 November 1995 (Official State Gazette of 30 November 1995).
At the beginning of the 90s, the Regulatory Council was created to guarantee the quality of the wines of the area, which includes the municipalities of Los Realejos, La Orotava and Puerto de La Cruz, in the north of Tenerife.
The volcanic character that the island gives to our soils, the trade winds that produce the well-known “Panza de Burro” (donkey’s belly), the temperate climate, sweetened by the cold Atlantic current and the system of conduction in Braided Cord made it necessary to protect the wine-growing region and endow this area with a Designation of Origin.
The main grape varieties are Listán Blanco of the Canary Islands and Listán Negro, with an increase in recent years in the cultivation of varieties such as Albillo Criollo, Vijariego blanco, Marmajuelo, Baboso negro, Vijariego Negro and Tintilla, among others.
The recognition of our wines is due to the work of so many winegrowers who maintain our unique landscape. Their know-how, together with technicians, oenologists and winemakers, and with all the staff involved in the wine sector in the “Valle de La Orotava” Designation of Origin, is valued every day.
In addition, we maintain our unique system of training, the Braided Cord, which involves a great deal of manual labour but demonstrates our uniqueness and the quality of our harvests.